Open Letter to Our Educational Institutions
As leaders in our educational institutions, wield your influence to curb the surge of hatred – join the "Never Again is Now" pledge and emerge as pillars of transformation!
Pledge to Never Again Now!
We Stand Up Against Harassment, Hostility, and ALL Hate
Know Your Rights
Hate Speech or Hate Crimes?
As leaders in our educational institutions, wield your influence to curb the surge of hatred – join the "Never Again is Now" pledge and emerge as pillars of transformation!
What can you do to stop offensive behavior?
Let’s Hold them Accountable with Impact!
Positive change happens when individuals understand the impact of their wrongdoing, accept responsibility, and learn to act compassionately to improve their community constructively and assertively!
Simple Ways Pledging to Never Again Now!
We Stand Up Against Harassment, Hostility, and ALL Hate
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